(WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram and Imo, etc.)
Step 1: Obtain the screenshot of the abusive, derogatory, obscene, bullying etc. content from the victim.
Soft copy as well as hard copy of the screenshots can be kept for evidence purpose. Make sure
that screenshot includes User ID/Messenger ID
Step 2: Date and time of the received objectionable message are noted down
Step 3: Notice can be issued u/s 91 of Cr.P.C. (Summon to produce documents) to Messenger service
provider for registration and access logs details. Make sure to clearly mention the User ID/
Messenger ID/Phone number along with the message screenshot (with date and time) while
sending notice to the messenger service provider
Step 4: User access details obtained from the messenger service provider can be analyzed and details
obtained can be used for further investigation. There may be a IP address in the details provided, in
such case notice can be issued to ISP to provide the details of IP address
Step 5: MLAT/LoR process needs to be initiated if the source IP is outside the Indian jurisdiction
Step 6: If suspect is identified then his/her mobile device/computer system can be seized for further